Economic Planning


To provide sound macroeconomic and real sector policy analysis services to guide the strategic direction of the economy and advice on the country’s regional and international economic integration interventions in order to spur economic growth.

The Division has three sections: i) Macroeconomic Policy Analysis Section, ii) Real Sector Policy Analysis (RSPA) Section, and iii) Regional and International Economic Integration (RIEI) Section. The sections have the following sub-mandates:


  • i)Macro-economic Policy Analysis section is mandated to conduct macroeconomic modelling services to provide up-to-date socio-economic indicators for evidence-based sectoral policy planning/formulation and assessing progress on the attainment of the national development agenda.
  • ii)Real-Sector Policy Analysis (RSPA) section is mandated to analyze and ensure alignment of sectoral policies to national development agenda for effective contribution to economic development, support formulation/review of sectoral policies and strategic plans and coordinate capacity building of the Economic Common Service.
  • iii)Regional and International Economic Integration (RIEI) section is mandated to provide policy guidance to Government on implications of regional and international economic developments on the economy.


To provide real-time macroeconomic and real sector policy advice for strategic direction for the economy and guide on the implementation of regional and international economic integration interventions.


To ensure evidence-based planning, policy analysis, and enhanced regional economic integration.


  • Analyse macroeconomic environment and carry out macroeconomic forecasting and preparation of the National Accounts and Balance of Payments;Adopt, institutionalize and use macroeconomic model with TROLL in forecasting, preparation of policy-based reports and policy analysis exercises;
  • Prepare annual, mid-year and quarterly economic reports on the performance of the economy, outlining the challenges and opportunities faced;Conduct general macroeconomic research and intelligence;
  • Conduct economic research studies on prevailing topical issues in the sectors of the economy and recommend relevant policy direction;
  • Analyze and support the formulation/review of real sector policies, strategic plans, and programmes for proper alignment to the national economic growth and development plans and strategies;
  • Analyze the potential impact of national economic policies and development strategies and make appropriate recommendations;
  • Support operational capacities of Economic Common Service through periodic capacity building programme;
  • Coordinate implementation of bilateral, regional, and multilateral economic cooperation;
  • Undertake regional and international economic surveillance for evidence-based policy making, implementation, and review;
  • Undertake technical analysis of economic cooperation agreements to inform government policies;Identify regional, continental, and international development programmes supportive of the national development;
  • Track implementation of the regional and international economic cooperation initiatives to gauge best practices.